
Our Hopes & Dreams

Sustainable development

At Heartfelt we currently employ 15 women. Each day they come to work full of pride and hope. Creating each heartfelt design out of love and strongly believing that they can make a difference - not only to their own lives but to the lives of the community in which they live. We strongly believe that if money goes directly to the people who need it -through job creation & teaching life skills - then that is the most sustainable way to ensure that change happens and keeps happening.

Our aim is to do our best to continually help create employment for unemployed women in the community. This will be through the creation and sales of our unique heartfelt designs so that each woman can earn a living wage for the rest of her life.

We eventually hope to create many more jobs for unemployed women in South Africa. How? We’d like to build a sustainable workshop in Makapanstad and other villages for the benefit of the community - called the HEARTLAND. Where the Heartfelt ladies can work, school their children, educate themselves, learn to grow crops, get free medical help & advice, all with the aim of being a totally GREEN initiative.

‘A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination’ - Nelson Mandela

The Heartfelt Ladies

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